Workout For Saturday November 10, 2018

By November 9, 2018 Workouts No Comments

We will only be holding two classes on Monday at 9 and 10am

Yoga today at 10:00am

8:00 Partner Workout
9:00am Partner Workout

“Partner Workout”

P1: 400m Run
P2: Max Box Jumps (24/20″)

P1: 100 DU’s (x2 Singles)
P2: Max KB Swings (53/35#)

P1: 400m Run
P2: Max OH Lunges (45/25#)

P1: 50 AB-Mat Sit-ups
P2: Max Goblet Squats (53/35#)

Post time, total Box Jumps, total KBS, Total OH Lunges, and total Goblet Squats