Workout For Thursday July 26, 2018

By July 25, 2018 Workouts No Comments

Catalyst Warm-up (#3)


Power Snatch

2, 2, 2, 2, 2 (increasing the weight)


4 Rounds

35 Unbroken KB Swings (53/35#)

25 Unbroken DU’s (x3 Singles)

15 Box Jumps (24/20″)

If you Break up the KBS or DU’s, you can start over with no penalty.



2000m Row Relay

P1 Rows 500m

P2 Rows 500m



AMRAP in 25 Min of

100m Run

12 Toes 2 Bar

15 DB Push Press(35/25#)

18 Med Ball Cleans (35/25#)