Category Archives: Workouts

Workout For Monday April 6, 2020

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CFLM Weekly Challenge…1,000 Air Squats by Friday at midnight!

“WOD” (#1)

4 Rounds

10 DB Shoulder Press (35/25#)

10 Burpees

20 DB Push Press

20 DB Front Rack Lunges

30 Mtn Climbers (1=1)

30 V-ups (no weight)

“WOD” (#2)

4 Rounds

100 Jump Rope Reps (50 Jumping Jacks)

10 Burpees

20 Skater Plyos (L+R=1)

20 Jumping Lunges

30 Mtn Climbers (1=1)

30 V-ups (no weight)


Workout For Friday April 3, 2020

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A Message to our CFLM Family:

Chad and I hope this message finds you and your loved ones healthy and safe. We miss seeing you guys everyday and feel a void in our lives not interacting with you on a personal level. We love seeing your workout photos on Facebook and are motivated by how engaged most of you are. I know there are questions about when CFLM is going to re-open for classes, and to be honest with you, we can’t give you a concrete date. We have to oblige by what the county is mandating so we are doing our part in keeping the community healthy. The CFLM members have built such a strong, supportive community, staying closed breaks my heart every day. I am so thankful for your loyalty and strength during this uncertain time. Many of you have reached out to check on us and to see how you can help sustain our CFLM community. Right now the most beneficial thing you can all do is just keep your memberships active IF you have the means to do so.  We will all get through this together, and we will come out stronger and closer. Thanks again for creating such a special place to workout. We are lucky to be a part of your lives.

“Chipper Friday”

1 Mile Run


100 Mtn Climbers (1=1)

50 Squats

100 Burpees

50 Squats

100 KBS (53/35) or 100 Alt DB Snatch (35/25#) If no equipment, 100 Push-ups

50 Squats

100 Mtn Climbers


1 Mile Run



Workout For Thursday April 2, 2020

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Happy Birthday to Mary and Alyce!

“WOD” (#1)


* KBS (53/35#)

* DB Front Squats (35/25#)

* DB Push Press

* Box Jumps (24/20″) (use any step you can find)


“WOD” (#2)

* V-ups (no weight)

* Renegade Rows (35/25#) (sub with Push-ups if no DB’s)

*Lateral DB Hops (L+R=1)

* Jumping Lunges (1=1)

Tabata is 20 seconds of work, 10 seconds of work for 8 rounds at each exercise. Complete all 8 rounds before moving on to the next exercise. Rest 1 minute between each exercise. Your score is your LOWEST round for each exercise.

*Download a Tabata timer from your App Store!

Workout For Wednesday April 1, 2020

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“Benchmark Wednesday”

Choose one of the following Benchmark Workouts:


AMRAP in 21 Minutes

Buy-in: 65 Ab-Mat Sit Ups (yes you can count them for the challenge)

Then, with the remaining time:


7 Burpees

11 Push-ups

22 KBS (53/35#)



4 Rounds

40 Air Squats

30 Hand Release Push-ups

20 Burpees

400m Run


Workout For Tuesday March 31, 2020

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Get your 1,000 Sit-ups done by Friday at Midnight!


EMOM for 10 Min of

10 Jumping Squats

10 Push-ups (8 for the ladies)

Then, after a 2 Min rest

3 Rounds

3 Wall Walks

15 Walking Lunges (L+R=1)

30 Alt DB Snatches (35/25#)

*If no access to DB’s, sub 30 Squat Thrusters in place of the DB Snatches. Squat Thrusters are simply a Burpee without the push-up.

Workout For Monday March 30, 2020

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CFLM Weekly Challenge..1,000 Sit-ups by Friday at midnight!

“WOD” (#1)

AMRAP in 30 Min

10 DB Shoulder Press (35/25#)

20 DB Hang Squat Cleans

30 V-ups (no weight)

400m Run


“WOD” (#2)

AMRAP in 30 Min of

10 Push-ups

20 Squats

30 V-ups

400m Run


Workout For Thursday March 26, 2020

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Keep getting those Push-ups in!! 300 by Friday at midnight. Keep posting your WOD photos and videos…We love seeing you guys get the work done.

“WOD” (#1)



DU’s (x3 Singles)


Then (immediately)

Timed 1 Mile Run

*Post those times…Can’t wait to see those “flat” times!


“WOD” (#2)

3 Rounds

20 Weighted Step-ups (35/25#)

*Use whatever step you can find

20 DB Front Rack Lunges

20 Lateral DB Hops (1=1)

20 DB Push Press


Timed 1 Mile Run