Category Archives: Workouts

Workout For Wednesday March 25, 2020

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Don’t forget about your Push-up Challenge!! 300 this week by Friday at midnight.

Also…Check your app stores for CrossFit timers..You can get tabata and EMOM timer apps for your phones.

“Benchmark Wednesday”

“Hotel Hell”

100 DB Squat Clean and Jerks (35/25#)

*EMOM Stop and complete 5 Burpees. This workout also starts with 5 Burpees before you start your DB Clean and Jerks.


AMRAP in 19 Min of

4 Wall Walks

14 Jumping Squats

24 Mtn. Climbers (L+R=1)

34 Jumping Jacks


Workout For Tuesday March 24, 2020

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Happy Birthday to Abel!

Hey CFLM…We are going to be doing a push-up challenge for the next few weeks. This is a great way to get proficient at Push-ups and have a little fun!

This week you have until Friday at midnight to complete 300 Push-ups. These Push-ups are to be completed IN ADDITION to any Push-Ups you do in workouts. You can complete them whenever you want throughout the days…I know we all have a bit of extra time these days. Please keep us updated on your progress on FB.

“WOD” (#1)

4 Rounds

400m Run

25 DB Deadlifts (35/25#)

15 Burpees


“WOD” (#2)

10 Rounds

10 Burpees

15 V-ups (no weight)

10 Jumping Squats

Workout For Monday March 23, 2020

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It’s a new week! I hope that you and your loved ones are well. Thank you for posting your workouts on the “Patio.” Seeing you all you guys interact and remain focused gives us such hope and gratitude. I can’t wait till we WOD together. We think of you guys every day and are thankful for each and every one of you.

I know some of you have equipment at home, so I will be incorporating some workouts with simple equipment as well.

“WOD” (#1)

AMRAP in 12 Min

100 Jump Rope Reps (60 DU’s)

30 Alt DB Snatch (35/25#)

Rest 2 Min

AMRAP in 12 Min

100m Sprint

30 DB Thrusters (35/25#)


“WOD” (#2)

AMRAP in 12 Min

40 Mtn. Climbers

20 Alt Pistols (1 legged squat: hold on to a wall or other stable surface if you haven’t mastered this movement)

20 Squat Thrusts (Burpee without push-up)

Rest 2 Min

AMRAP in 12 Min

100m Sprint

40 Russian twists (use the heaviest ball you have, even if it’s a basketball)

20 Sit-ups (put rolled towel beneath lower back if needed)


Workout For Saturday March 21, 2020

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It’s Saturday and we miss everyone already!!

5 Rounds

200m Run

20 Jumping Squats

20 Hand Release Push-ups

20 Lateral Ball Jumps (use any ball you have…A basketball is perfect, soccer ball is great.)

20 4-Count flutter kicks (4=1) protect your lower back by placing both hands beneath your tail bone.

Workout For Friday March 20, 2020

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It’s “Chipper Friday”!!!!!

I was so happy to see all of your workout videos on FB! I know it is hard for all of us right now, but to see the CFLM community come together gives me so much hope and fulfillment.

Get your kids and loved ones involved! This is a great way to get everyone in your house moving!

“Chipper Friday”

50 Lunges

100 V-ups (no weight)

1 Mile Run

100 Burpees

50 Lunges

If you do not have a running route set up around your house, download an app for your phone. We use “Map my Run,” but there are many others.

Workout For Thursday March 19, 2020

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A message to our CFLM family:

It is with a heavy heart that I write this message to you all. I think we all anticipated the worst, but were hoping for a different outcome. CFLM will be closed until Wednesday April 1st.  We want to do our part in protecting all of you, as well as maintaining the integrity of our business. For the last six years, I have devoted every part of me to this gym and it breaks my heart to close our doors, even if it is just for a short period of time. We love all of you and are so greatful for your support and loyalty. You are all truly part of our family and we look forward to April 1st.  Stay well and take care of each other and yourselves.

I will be posting a nightly workout that you can complete at home, with no equipment. I encourage you all to stay connected and focused on your goals both in and out of the gym. ❤️


4 Rounds

25 Mtn. Climbers (L+R=1)

50 Air Squats

25 Push-ups

50 Skater Plyos (1=1)

Workout For Wednesday March 18, 2020

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There is no yoga today!

“Benchmark Wednesday”

Choose one of the following Benchmark Workouts

“Sergio Luo”

6 Rounds

6 Power Snatch (115/73#)

10 Overhead Squats

19 Box Jumps (24/20″)




Ab-Mat Sit Ups

Box Jumps (24/20″)





Workout For Tuesday March 17, 2020

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Happy Birthday to Michelle II and Patrick!

Yoga today at 10am!


Push Press

5×5 @85% (same weight)


AMRAP in 16 Min

36 DU’s (x3 Singles)

12 ALT Pistols

12 Toes 2 Bar

12 KB Clean and Jerks (70/53#)



4 Rounds

75 Jump Rope Reps (40DU’s)

25 Wall Balls (20/16#)

25 V-ups (20/16#)

25 DB Hang Clean and Jerks (35/25#)



Workout For Monday March 16, 2020

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Attention Members: Until further notice, there is no food allowed in the kid’s room.  We expect a lot of traffic this week, and would like to keep that room as clean as possible.

Yoga will be on Tuesday at 10 this week, instead of Wednesday. This is only for this week.


Back Squat

2, 2, 2, 2, 2 (increasing)


AMRAP in 25 Min of

1 Mike Run

Then, with remaining time


5 Pull-ups

10 Push-ups

15 Squats



Max Unbroken KB Swings (53/35#)

Must have a counter, pair up and count your partner


AMRAP in 25 Min of

1 Mile Run

Then, with remaining time


8 Renegade Rows (35/25#)

24 DB Front Squats

8 Burpees