Workout For Wednesday January 30, 2019

By January 29, 2019 Workouts No Comments

Attention Members: Please do your best to be on time to class. If you arrive more than 10 minutes late, you will be asked to wait until the next class time to workout. If you miss the warm-up and instruction, you put yourself at risk for injury. We appreciate your help with this matter.

Warm-up: 1 Mile Run

“Benchmark Wednesday”

Choose one of the following Benchmark Workouts:

“VETWOD 18.2”

50 Thrusters (95/63#)

40 Overhead Squats

30 Toes 2 Bar

20 Front Rack Lunges

10 HSPU’s


“Mini David Markland”

3 Rounds

10 DB Hang Squat Clean and Jerks (35/25#)

20 Pull-ups

30 Push-ups

40 Ab-Mat Sit-ups

50 Air Squats