Workout For Wednesday January 21, 2015

By January 20, 2015 Workouts No Comments

CFLM News:

Yoga on Wednesday at 10:00am and Thursday at 7pm.  Shanon will be focusing on the hamstrings and back.  If you are sore from the heavy deadlifts…You won’t want to miss this class!  Shanon will also be teaching her ab-blaster class on Saturday at 8:45.

We will be starting up our kid’s boot camp this coming Monday.  Classes will be held on Mondays and Thursdays from 3:15-4.  We are taking kids ages 6-12.  Talk with Rebecca if you are interested in signing up.

Our 1 year anniversary party will be held in February.  This will be a family friendly event and we encourage everyone to attend.  More details will follow.

Starting this Thursday we will be adding an alternate workout on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays.  We are calling this new program CrossFit BODY.  The workouts will be body weight and met-con based and will not include a barbell.  You can choose the WOD or the BODY workout as desired.

“Benchmark Wednesday”



Cleans (135/93#)

Ring Dips