Workout For Monday January 30, 2017

By January 29, 2017 Workouts No Comments

Congrats to Maricela and Paula for completing their CrossFit Level 1 certification this weekend!


2 attempts at max effort 400m Run. Post both times to whiteboard. Rest 2 minutes between attempts.


AMRAP in 10 min of

15 Box Jumps (24/20″)

15 KB Swings (70/53#)

30 DU’s (x3 Singles)

Rest 2 Min


3 Rounds

15 Thrusters (95/63#)

12 Burpees



2 attempts at max effort 400m Run. Post both times to whiteboard. Rest 2 minutes between attempts.


3 Rounds

200m Run with KB (35/53#)

30 KB Swings

40 Jumping Lunges

50 Ab-Mat Sit-ups