All posts by Chad

WOD for Saturday 02/22/14

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Thank you to everyone who stopped by for a workout, signed up or just came to say hi on our opening day. We greatly appreciate the support!

WOD for Saturday 02/22/14

AMRAP in 15 minutes of
5 HSPU’s
10 Squat Cleans 115/75#
15 KB Swings 70/53#
20 Lateral Bar Hops

Opening Day – Friday February 21st

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Our doors will be open Friday, February 21st at 5:30 am and will continue with all regularly scheduled classes, except for the noon class (closed for our Trainers’ Meeting).  We look forward to seeing everyone!

Please remember you are welcome to try out any class, but you will need to have completed a CrossFit beginner’s course (Elements) or have CrossFit experience before signing up.  If you don’t meet the requirement, please sign up for our Elements Course so we can get you started right away!  If you are unsure where you fit, don’t hesitate to email, FB or call and we’ll have an answer for you.

CrossFit La Mesa: Elements Reservation List Now Open

By | WOD Results | One Comment

We’re excited to announce we are now taking reservations for our first CrossFit Elements training series. This five session class will familiarize you with the fundamentals of CrossFit. Our CrossFit Elements course is required for all athletes with little to no CrossFit experience and is also a great way to get back in to CrossFit if you’ve been out of the sport for any extended period of time.

If you’re ready to get started or even if you just have a question give us a call or send us an email!

We’re considering a number of different times and days to run the Elements sessions so contact us and let us know your preference.

Bring the kids!

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Our custom designed playroom is going in! The playroom will give parents easy visibility to the kids but keep everyone safely contained while workouts are in session.