Workout For Monday January 4, 2016

By January 3, 2016 Workouts No Comments

WARM-UP (10 min)

2:00 Jump Rope

20 PVC Pass Thrus

20 PVC Good-Mornings


2 Rounds

10 Wall Squats

8 Strict Pull-ups (n0 kipping)


50 DU’s (x2 Singles)

15 OHS (135/93#)

100 DU’s

30 OHS

100 DU’s

15 OHS

50 DU’s



AMRAP in 20 Min of

40 Cal Row

20 Push-ups

10 Toes 2 Bar

Rest 2 min


AMRAP in 5 Min of

8 Burpees

7 Box Jumps (24/20″)