Workout For Saturday July 2, 2016

We will be closed on the 4th of July. Enjoy the day with your families!

Tomorrow from 11-12:30 Doug, Wendy, and their kids will be having a lemonade stand to support pediatric cancer at Helix Auto, right next to the gym. If you are in the area, please stop by and support this worthy cause.

7:30am “Girl’s Class”

9:00am “Member’s Class”

10:30am Yoga

“Partner WOD”

P1: 400m Run w/ med ball (20/16#)

P2: Max Pull-ups

Switch x 2

P1: 50 DU’s (x2 Singles)

P2: Max Box Jumps (24/20″)

Switch x 2

P1: 25 Burpees

P2: Max KB Swings (53/35#)

Switch x 2

Post time and total number of Pull-ups, Box Jumps, and KB Swings.