Workout For Thursday June 2, 2016

Happy Birthday Joe Salem!

Warm-Up: EMOM (#1)


Take 10 minutes to find max unbroken DU’s or DU skill work

5 Rounds for Wall Ball Reps

AMRAP in 2 min of

10 Box Jump Overs (24/2o”)

(Stopping on top of box is ok)

Max effort Wall Balls (20/16#) with remainder of 2 min.

Rest 1 minute between rounds and score is total number of Wall Balls completed for all 5 Rounds



100 Jump Rope Reps (50 DU’s)

50 Lunges

25 KB Clean and Jerks (53/35#)

100 Ab-Mat Sit-ups

25 KB Clean and Jerks

50 Med Ball Cleans (20/16#)

1,000m Row