Workout For Tuesday April 26, 2016

By April 25, 2016 Workouts No Comments

Happy Birthday Travis A!

Kids’s Class at 3:15


AMRAP in 18 Min

Buy-in: 60 Cal Row

Then with remaining time AMRAP of

30 DU’s (x3 Singles)

7 Power Snatch (115/73#)

7 Chest 2 Bar Pull-ups

“WOD Chaser”

3×10 Sets of Toes 2 Bar



AMRAP in 18 Min

Buy in: 100 Skater Plyos

Then with remaining time AMRAP of

20 OH Lunges (45/25#)

10 Pull-ups

20 Ab-Mat Sit-ups

“WOD Chaser”

3×10 Sets of Toes 2 Bar