Workout For Wednesday March 9, 2016

By March 8, 2016 Workouts No Comments

Yoga today at 10am!

We are now carrying meals from Fresh Plates San Diego. They are located on the top shelf of the fridge and are $10. Just grab one and put your name on the sign up sheet.

Tribes and Clans is on Saturday. Come compete, judge, or cheer on your fellow athletes. Our 7:30 and 9 class will be cancelled Saturday.

“Benchmark Wednesday”

“Partner Whitten”

5 Rounds

22 KB Swings (70/53#)

22 Alt. Box Jumps (24/20″)

400m Run

22 Alt. Burpees

22 Partner Wall Balls (20/16#)

Divide the KB Swings as desired, run the 400m together.