Workout For Monday December 19, 2016

By December 18, 2016 Workouts No Comments

Happy Birthday to Sayfe!!

This Tuesday the 20th, we will NOT be having a noon class. The schedule change is only for that day and we apologize for the inconvenience.


Shoulder Press

3×3@80%, 2×2@85%, 5×1@90%


AMRAP in 12 Min of

33 DU’s (x2 Singles)

7 Chest 2 Bar Pull-ups

10 Front Squats (135/93#)



3 Rounds

33 DU’s Or 99 Singles

33 Goblet Squats(53/35#)

33 Deck Squats (25/15#)

33 KB Clean and Jerks (53/35#)

400m Run