Don’t forget to submit your 18.1 scores! They are due by 5pm on Monday. If you still need to complete the workout, you can do so during class on Monday.
Our 4 year anniversary party is on Saturday March 10th. This is a family friendly event and we hope everyone can make it!
CFLM ladies…Anne’s Baby Shower will be held on Sunday March 11th. More details to follow soon.
Catalyst Warm-up (#3)
5×5 Deadlift @80% (same weight)
3 Rounds
15 Hang Power Snatch (95/63#)
10 KB Clean and Jerk (70/53#)
AMRAP in 30 Min
400m Run
50 Ab-Mat Sit-Ups
25 Step-ups (20/16#) (35/25#) (2 DB’s)
15 DB Thrusters