Workout For Monday February 26, 2018

By February 25, 2018 Workouts No Comments

Don’t forget to submit your 18.1 scores! They are due by 5pm on Monday. If you still need to complete the workout, you can do so during class on Monday.

Our 4 year anniversary party is on Saturday March 10th. This is a family friendly event and we hope everyone can make it!

CFLM ladies…Anne’s Baby Shower will be held on Sunday March 11th. More details to follow soon.

Catalyst Warm-up (#3)


5×5 Deadlift @80% (same weight)


3 Rounds

15 Hang Power Snatch (95/63#)

10 KB Clean and Jerk (70/53#)



AMRAP in 30 Min

400m Run

50 Ab-Mat Sit-Ups

25 Step-ups (20/16#) (35/25#) (2 DB’s)

15 DB Thrusters