Please join us for the CFLM Holiday Party on December 9th, starting at 6:30pm. Please bring a dish to share and BYOB.
Kid’s Class at 3:15
Back Squat (20 Min)
5@75%, 4@85%, 3@95%, 1@100%, 1@100%, 3@95%, 4@85%, 5@75% (Post 100% weight)
AMRAP in 10 Min of
100 DU buy in (x2 Singles)
30 Thrusters (135/93#)
30 KBS (70/53#)
30 Power Clean
3 Rounds
50 Squats
40 DB Step-ups (35/25#) (20/16″)
30 DB Push Press
200m Run
100 Jump Rope Reps (50 DU’s)