Workout For Saturday December 24, 2016

By December 23, 2016 Workouts No Comments

We will be holding class at 8 and 9 today

Yoga at 10:30

“The 12 days of Christmas”

1 Clean and Jerk (185/123#)

2 Front Squats

3 HSPU’s

4 KB Swings (70/53#)

5 Deadlifts

6 Pull-ups

7 Burpees

8 Air Squats

9 Lunges (L+R=1)

10 Ab-Mat Sit-Ups

11 Box Jumps (30/24″)

12 Wall Walks

The workout is performed like the song…you start with 1, then 2, 1, then 3,2,1…and so on.