Workout For Tuesday February 17, 2015

By February 16, 2015 Workouts No Comments

Don’t Forget about our 1 year anniversary celebration this Saturday at 3pm.  See the whiteboard for more details.


Front Squat


Then AMRAP in 12 min of

2 Squat Snatch (115/73#)

10 DU’s (x2 Singles)

4 Squat Snatch

20 DU’s

6 Squat Snatch

30 DU’s

8 Squat Snatch

40 DU’s

10 Squat Snatch

50 DU’s

Increase reps by 2 Squat Snatch and 10 DU’s until 12 min is up. Post Set of Snatch and DU’s that were completed.



100 Skater Plyos

50 KB Swings (53/35#)

25 Push-ups

50 Squats

25 Push-ups

100 Jump Rope

25 Push-ups

50 Squats

25 Push-ups

50 KB Swings

100 Skater Plyos