Workout For Tuesday October 27, 2014

By October 27, 2014 Workouts No Comments

On Halloween, this Friday we will only be holding the following classes: 5:30am, 7, 8, 9, and noon.  We will NOT be having any evening classes.  Enjoy the Holiday with your families.

Ladies:  Please join us for “Muffins and Mimosas” this Saturday at 7:30am.  We will be doing a WOD, then enjoying some treats.  Sorry Boys…This is for girls only!


2 Rounds

10 Burpees

50 DU’s

20 Wall Ball (20/16#)

40 DU’s

30 Box Jumps (24/20″)

30 DU’s

40 Push-ups

20 DU’s

50 KB Swings (53/35#)

10 DU’s