Attention Members: Don’t forget that Wen-D is heading to Africa to help those in need. She is collecting baby formula to take with her. Please consider dropping off some formula to the gym by 09/14.
We will be holding our fundraiser for the sailors who lost their lives aboard the USS John McCain on September 10th.
Push Press
3, 3, 3, 3, 3 (increasing in weight)
5 Rounds
7 Deadlifts (225#/153#)
11 Burpees
4 Min Max Burpees
4 Min Max DU’s (Or Singles)
4 Min Max KB Swings (53/35#)
Rest 1 Min
3 Min Max Burpees
3 Min Max DU’s
3 Min Max KB Swings
Rest 1 Min
2 Min Max Burpees
2 Min Max DU’s
2 Min Max KB Swings
Post TOTAL number of Burpees, DU’s, and KBS