Workout For Wednesday December 24, 2014

By December 22, 2014 Workouts No Comments

We will be holding 2 classes today.  The WOD will be held at 9.  Shanon will be holding a 1.5 hour yoga workshop at 10.  Tell your family and friends.  Its only $10 for non CFLM members.


“The 12 Days of Christmas”

1-100m run

2-Muscle ups (Pull-up/ring-dip mod)


4-Air Squats

5-Front Rack Lunge (95/63#)

6- Box Jumps (24/20″)


8-KB Swings (53/35#)

9-Wall Balls (20/16#)

10- Knees 2 Elbows



This workout is performed just like the classic Christmas song!